Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hereafter ...

I am a huge Clint fan (yes the "n" is in there), and have always enjoyed his movies, thus when I first saw the trailer for Hereafter I was excited, the elements for a great story were there, tsunami, cute french girl, the spiritual side ... I believed he would take a Clint approach to it ...

Thus when I finally had a chance to watch the movie my expectations were high ... the set-up was beautiful, the tsunami, Matt Damon and the English twins were endearing ... The french was OK in the beginning of the movie too.  If you break the movie into three trimesters, the first was a very interesting collage, the pieces were in place to complete a work of art. 

I am not certain what happened next or why (maybe too much french) or something but he lost me, particularly with the French lady and to a lesser extent Matt's character.  The twins story was incredible and that young British actor is amazing (two thumbs up for him).

By the end the movie failed me big time, I have a high appreciation for collages (one of my most treasured work of art is a collage by a very special friend), however this one failed to deliver a message or an answer or even a question ... I was highly disappointed in the movie, however, as in any Clint movie, the acting was excellent ...

I plan to review The Black Swan next ....  

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